Model Two

Model Two - Soon Available for Pre-Order

Longer Battery

Model Two

In Model Two, we wanted to make the watch thinner, lighter, and better. Model Two's vibrating braille mechanism was enhanced by replacing the vibration motor into a smaller motor. We also improved vibrating braille mechanism by reducing the vibrating impact on the overall device when the vibration is activated. Compared to Model One's vibration, Model Two's vibration will be much more calm and easily censored by fingers.

Model Two Design

When designing Model Two, we wanted to show a big difference when compared
to Model One's design. Model One had a square design with four circular braille
cells located on top of the watch. Model Two was designed to look more "natural"
and "prettier" than Model One. Model Two's circular body shape completely changed
the size of braille cells, and now, braille cells are larger and thinner which makes the
finger haptic much more comfortable. Under the four braille cells, a rubber-material
is placed to reduce the wavelength of the vibration. As a result, Model Two is lighter
and thinner in design, and better in functionality.

Model Two - Soon Available for Pre-Order

Model Two Design

When designing Model Two, we wanted to show a big difference when compared
to Model One's design. Model One had a square design with four circular braille
cells located on top of the watch. Model Two was designed to look more "natural"
and "prettier" than Model One. Model Two's circular body shape completely changed
the size of braille cells, and now, braille cells are larger and thinner which makes the
finger haptic much more comfortable. Under the four braille cells, a rubber-material
is placed to reduce the wavelength of the vibration. As a result, Model Two is lighter
and thinner in design, and better in functionality.

Model Two - Soon Available for Pre-Order

Model One Pre-Order Still Available at Contact

Model One Pre-Order Still Available at Contact

We are now in India. China, Nigeria, and Korea.